Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June 1, Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Today we did the longest trip we have done for a while, it was 250 Miles from Buffalo to Mt Rushmore.  The scenery was totally different, once again.  We crossed into South Dakota and were going along quite happily, until there was a discrepancy between the GPS and the road sign.  Needless to say we found out too late that we should have listened to the GPS, and of course,  for once, the KOA book was of no help at all.  We landed up doing the scenic tour through the center of Mount Rushmore, up and down very steep, narrow roads, but thankfully we arrived at the Mount Rushmore KOA safely.

It is a very big park, with lots of activities for the children and somethings for the adults.  Alas, there is no wifi or TV, so Dirk will have to publish this with the help of his hot spot on his cell phone.  So if you don't hear from us for a couple of days, that is the reason.

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