Sunday, June 5, 2016

June 5/6, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Yesterday we did a 250 mile journey from Belvidere to Sioux Falls, KOA, hoping to get our motorhome serviced today, that was not to be, so we have spent another night in Sioux Falls and are having the service done tomorrow.

So, we had a day to do some sightseeing.  We called a cab and went to Sioux Falls Park and did a Trolley Tour of downtown Sioux Falls.  This is a very old city and many buildings are built  from Sioux Quartzite, giving them a lovely pink colour.  The falls are beautiful and the park is well laid out and well maintained.  Lovely to see young mothers out for an outing with their young children, picnicking on the lawns in safety.

The main street is Phillip Avenue which is called the Sculpture Walk.  The street is lined with sculptures by local artists.  A most enjoyable trip.

1 comment:

  1. Great shot of the airplane! Sioux Falls looks like a lovely city, and from what you have shown so far, you are having a great trip. Enjoy the rest of it.
