Sunday, May 29, 2016

May 29, Billings, Montana

Can you see what we are doing today?  Enjoying some beautiful sunshine, in a lovely park.  We are in Billings KOA, Montana, as I told you on Thursday.  We are here until the madding crowd goes home, that is Tuesday, after the Memorial Day Weekend.  So not too much to report, but that we are relaxing for the weekend.
PS. the first picture is the only Bald Eagle we have seen since we have been in the States.  That was taken as we were leaving Livingston on Thursday.

Friday, May 27, 2016

May 27, Billings, MT

Drove 130 miles on the I-90 to Billings today, will be staying here for the Memorial weekend.
Weather seems to be improving. Nice to see the sun for a change.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 26, Livingstone/Paradise Valley, MT

Today we travelled a very short distance, but as you will see from the pictures, it was a very narrow, winding road.  We entered Yellowstone NP at the west gate and exited the park at the North gate.  Most of the road was single lane, with a decent shoulder, but when we got near to Mammoth there was little or no shoulder, and then the descent down the pass was 25 mph kind of driving, dropped more than 2000 feet in about 5 miles.  We were a little apprehensive about taking this road, as we had travelled it by car on Tuesday, but not past Mammoth.  Spoke to a couple of people in the know and they all assured us that we would be fine.
Having done the trip, we are pleased we did.  It was exhilarating and the scenery was beautiful.  It also made up for a little of the disappointment of not staying an extra day.

We are spending the night at a little KOA park at Livingston, right on the Yellowstone River, which we have followed all the way from the park.  Tomorrow we head to Billings, MT for the Memorial Day weekend.