Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 25, Yellowstone, MT/WY

We have been off air for the last couple of days as wifi has been very flaky.  We have had a wonderful couple of days in Yellowstone National Park.  We hired a car and traveled.  Although we have been here before, we are kicking ourselves for not spending another day.  One forgets the beauty of Yellowstone, it has a beauty all of it's own.  Of course any wild life along the road, causes a traffic jam.

There are so many geothermal features to see, that we did not have enough time to go to them all.  The few we did go to were amazing.

We have had all the different weather patterns one could think of, because of the clouds, rain, snow, our photography suffered.

Today we did a round trip from the West gate to Grant, to Norris and back to the west entrance.  This route was beautiful, climbing to 8,391 ft at Craig Pass, where the snow has not melted yet and there was fresh snow, which had fallen this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning! You are in a beautiful part of the world and we will definitely put Yellowstone on our list of places to visit. Summer has arrived here and we are enjoying the outdoors and all the garden work! Have fun and all the best to you in Yellowstone! Pam.
