Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, Bozeman, MT

As we may have gathered, we try not to travel very long stretches. So today's journey of 205 miles was longer than normal and felt much longer, because of a howling gale blowing us all over the road. We traveled from Missoula to Bozeman, Montana.

The scenery once again helped, the skies were so dramatic at times, with the snow capped mountains in the background.  Some really steep climbs and very steep downhills.  Dirk is getting very brave driving this bus, passing trucks on the uphills and even passing trucks on the downhills.  It was that or riding his brakes, which is not a good thing to do.  He actually says he prefers driving his RV to a normal car.  I will remind him of that when we get home!!!!!

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