Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, Salt Lake City Tour

After a good heavy rain in the night, we awoke to a beautiful sunny day, which we were very pleased about, as we were to be picked up by the tour company at 9.00am

Today, we did a tour of the historic Salt Lake City.  This was the history of how the Mormons came to Salt Lake and how and why they built the city.  The land was divided up into 10 acres lots and then divided up into 1 1/4 acre lots, allowing 8 families per 10 acres.  If one had to look at the city from above, you would see that it looks like a checkers board, with very wide streets.  The architecture is absolutely fantastic.

We went to Heritage Park which was a replica of the original houses, churches, farms, with many statues depicting the life and people of the time.

We had a delicious lunch at the Pantry of the Lion House, which originally was part of  Joseph Smith's house, (the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints).  This was the dining room which could seat 70 people. Which with their lifestyle of polygamy, was needed to seat the family.  (They no longer practice polygamy.)  The gardens were also spectacular.

Every day of the week at 12.00 the Mormon Tabernacle gives on organ recital, for 30 minutes.  This organ has 11,623 pipes.  It was an amazing experience.  If we had been in town on Thursday night, we could have gone to the Mormon Choir rehearsal. Unfortunately we missed that, but maybe another trip.

We then went to the State of Utah, Capitol Building.  What a building!  The pictures tell the story, granite stairs, walls.

We returned back to our motorhome at about 1.30pm and just like Johannesburg, at about 3.30pm the heavens opened.  After a good rain storm, the skies cleared and the sun came out.

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