Friday, May 6, 2016

May 6, Panguitch, Utah

Today we moved a little further north to Panguitch KOA.  Driving from the warmth of Wahweap to Panguitch we once again had some beautiful scenery, but the old saying is "what goes up, must come down."  That was definitely the case today and once again Dirk was thrilled with his trusty Ford V10 steed (engine), that pulled up the hills with no problems at all, a bit of a change from our 2010 trip.

After having spent 3 days in the wilderness of no TV and Wifi, we have wonderful wifi and fair
TV.  You might ask why are we worried about TV and Wifi, well when the temperature drops from 90's at Wahweap to 59 in Panguitch, no one wants to be outside for long.

We purposely changed our travel plans when we looked ahead to the weather forecast.  We were planning on spending tonight and tomorrow night at Bryce Canyon, but the forecast for tomorrow is rain and snow.  One can't go sightseeing in that weather.

So let's hope the weather improves as we move further north.

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