Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 3 2016 Corbin KY

We came to America for a spring/summer holiday, but we did not expect to have a touch of winter.  Saturday evening the wind blew and blew and blew the power out, then came some sleet and finally the snow.  Needless to say the temperature dropped dramatically and with no power, comes no heating.  Brrrrrrr.  Sunday dawned chilly but sunny, and still no power, (you see it doesn't only happen in SA).
We were only supposed to leave Dayton on Monday, but seeing we were all but packed we were trying to make the decision should we leave a day earlier.   I must tell you at this point, Henry has been having some eye problems, and after much soul searching, he and Faye decided this morning that it was not wise for him to drive a large vehicle for such a long journey.  So very disappointed, but understanding his decision, that our dear friends would not be joining us for part of our adventure, we set off for Corbin, Kentucky on our way to Spartanburg, South Carolina.
So, we arrived at Corbin, after a very pleasant trip and enjoying our new trusty steed.


  1. Nice RV! I guess you rented it because of the model in the doorway! :-) Have a safe and enjoyable trip.
