Friday, April 29, 2016

April 29, Flagstaff AZ

Yesterday we traveled a little further west, stopping at the Meteor Crater on the way.  We have been here before, but the wind was blowing so hard the last time, we could not stay outside too long.  Having started out early, we had a rather pleasant trip from Holbrook to the crater. Although there was a very cool breeze blowing, we could walk to all the view points, take some pictures.  It boggles the mind to think that the size of this crater could fit 20 football fields on the floor and seat 2 million people in the surrounding stands.

We did have to have a good laugh at a couple of our pictures.  Never ask a tourist who is taking photos with his cell phone and doesn't speak English, to take your picture with a proper camera.  It took 3 shots before he got a picture of us together. (Proof is in picture number 6 & 7).

We left the crater with only about 38 miles to go to get to Flagstaff, I think it was the worst trip we have had to endure.  The wind was blowing so hard, I was sure we were going to be blown over.  My poor husband fought that steering wheel the whole time.  The most important thing was that he got us here safely.  We registered at the KOA Flagstaff office and pulled into our site, in time for the sleet to start falling.  It is amazing how one minute the sun is shining and the next minute it's either raining or sleeting.

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