Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6 Spartanburg SC

Yesterday was our relax day.  Doing a few home chores around camp, going for a nice long walk and collecting our rental car.  Finishing the day by having a typical southern style dinner, at Fatz Cafe.   One needs a day like that when doing a trip like we are doing.

A message for Henry.  Our RV tanks are measured in quarters, not THIRDS, sounds better?????

Today we did something that Dirk has been waiting for, for 16 years.  A tour of the BMW factory.  The story behind this goes way back.  In 2001 we were doing a road trip, and purposefully stopped in Spartanburg to visit the BMW factory, hoping to see our first X5 being built.  As luck would have it, it was Monday, and they didn't do tours on a Monday and we only had that day in our schedule to stop.  So Dirk's wish was granted today. It was a very interesting tour and one could see that it was a German factory.  Everything spotlessly clean and run like a well oiled machine.  We were only allowed to see the assembly process, Dirk would have loved to see he body manufacturing process, etc.

For those of you way down south that are wondering about the weather, well we could have a little more warmth, quite chilly.  Looking ahead, tomorrow we will be moving West and could have some rain and more cold. 

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