Monday, April 4, 2016

Aprill 4 Spartanburg/Gaffney

Today we traveled from Corbin to Gaffney, South Carolina.  That means passing from Kentucky to  Tennessee to North Carolina and into South Carolina.  Pretty in some parts, with some mighty hills, and as you know what goes up must come down.  We traveled through the Smokey Mountain Range, so that explains the hills.    It was a very long trip, by our standards, 272 miles.

We are here for 3 days, to do some exploring and going to the BMW factory for a tour.  I can see some pay back time for shopping coming my way.

Our new motor home purchase is living up to our expectations. (Hugh the model is part owner.)  It is a mighty steed, going up the hills with no problems.  We are very grateful that we are able to do this kind of travel, which we so enjoy.


  1. You're on the road again, have a wonderful time!

  2. My apologies! I didn't realize that you had purchased the RV.
